What should I consider when opening banking services for my child?

The guardians of a minor can open banking services for the child online. The guardians can be either the child’s parents or another person who has been appointed as the guardian. The guardians decide on applying for services for a minor together, so both guardians need to approve the application. A single parent with sole custody can open banking services for a minor without the other parent’s approval. 

What you’ll need to apply:

  • Your child’s name must be recorded in the Finnish Population Information System before you can open services for them online.
  • The guardian filling in the application must be a Nordea customer and have Nordea access codes. The other guardian needs Nordea access codes or online banking codes from another Finnish bank. 
  • The guardians must have a Finnish identity card with a photo issued before March 2023 or a Finnish passport and a Finnish phone number. Please note that we don’t accept a driving licence.
  • Your child needs a Finnish identity card with a photo issued before March 2023 or a Finnish passport and a Finnish mobile phone number if you’re applying for a card or Nordea access codes for them.

If you as the guardian are unable to apply for banking services for your child using our online form, please contact us for assistance.

Identity documents accepted by Nordea

Banking services for children of different ages

How to open banking services online for your child

We have outlined the steps you need to take below from filling in the application and having it approved by the other guardian to what happens once we have processed your application.

Second step

Approval from the other guardian

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You can skip this step if you’re a single parent with sole custody.

The other guardian will receive an SMS requesting them to approve the application.

For the approval they will need:

  • Online banking codes from a Finnish bank
  • A Finnish passport or identity card

They must approve the application within 14 days. 

Once the other guardian has given their approval, we will process the application. 

You’re all set!

The services are ready to use

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Both guardians will receive an SMS once the application has been processed.

If you opened an account for your child:

Your child’s account will be visible to their guardians in Nordea Mobile and Netbank if access to the account for the guardians was requested in the application.

If you ordered a card for your child:

The card will be posted to your home address. The expected delivery time is about 1–2 weeks.

If you ordered Nordea access codes for your child:

You will need to log back in to our online service for opening banking services for children.

On the “Activate Nordea ID” tab, you will find your child’s user ID as well as instructions on how to activate the Nordea ID app for them. 

Which banking services are available to children?

Having a child changes your life and can be a bit of a learning curve especially for first-time parents.

As the guardians of a minor, you will decide when your child is ready to take their first steps into banking. Below you can find which banking services we recommend for children and teens of different ages:

Banking services for children aged 0–5

Saving for a child when they are young is a great gift for their future. Young children can’t access our daily banking services just yet but you have the opportunity to start saving for your child today! We offer a couple of different ways to do this:

PerkAccount for children:

You can open a PerkAccount for your child as soon as they have a Finnish personal identity number. By starting early, you can accumulate quite a nest egg for your child’s future.

When you’re looking for an account for regular saving, our PerkAccount is a good option. You can take out money from a PerkAccount when you need to and transfer money to it from other accounts. Our PerkAccount is also a handy way for guardians and other family members to gift the child money on their birthday, for instance.

Read more about bank accounts for children

Saving for children:

Saving and investing for your child helps secure their financial future and build a nest egg they can later use for making larger purchases and realising their dreams.

Understanding the importance of saving is also a key part of learning financial skills. It’s important for every child to learn the basics of spending and saving money for them so that they grow up to be financially literate. Tracking the progress of your savings together with your child can help instil in them the financial skills they’ll need as an adult.

Read more about saving for your children

Did you know? You can get a baby gift from us

We will give your child a baby gift when you establish a customer relationship with us for them. In order to receive the gift, your child must be under 1 year old. Moreover, your child benefits must be paid to an account in Nordea and you must open an account for your child and/or start saving for them by investing in our funds or other investment products. 

We will gift your child 20 euros when you open an account for them plus 30 euros when you start saving regularly for them. 

Read more about the baby gift

How to apply

1.  Fill in your child’s details and select the banking services you want to apply for. 

You can open these banking services online:

  • Current account and a Nordea Debit card 

    Please note that if you order a Nordea Debit card for your child online, the card comes with a new current account as standard. If your child already has a current account to which you want to link the new card, please call us instead to order the card. 

  • Savings account (PerkAccount)

  • Access codes for online and mobile banking

    Please note that if your child is under 15, they will need to visit a branch to activate e-identification, which will enable them to use their access codes to log in to third-party services, such as the OmaKela e-service. If your child is a minor and visits a branch alone, they will need to provide powers of attorney from both parents. If your child is 15 or over, they can activate e-identification without permission from their parents when they themselves have opened an account and an online banking agreement for managing their personal income.

2.  One guardian will receive an SMS and approve the application. 

The other guardian will need:  

  • Nordea access codes or online banking codes from another Finnish bank. 
  • A passport or identity card with a photo. 

3.  We will process the application and let the guardians know via SMS once the services have been opened. 

4.  The services are ready to use

  • If you opened an account for your child: Your child’s account will be visible to their guardians in Nordea Mobile and Netbank if access to the account for the guardians was requested in the application.
  • If you ordered a card for your child: The card will be posted to your home address. The expected delivery time is about 1–2 weeks. 
  • If you ordered Nordea access codes for your child: You will need to log back in to our online service for opening banking services for children. On the “Activate Nordea ID” tab, you will find your child’s user ID as well as instructions on how to activate the Nordea ID app for them. 

Advice for parents

Discover our tips for parents below. You can also reach out to us if you need help with your child’s banking.


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Your child’s debit card and Nordea access codes are intended for their personal use only. As the guardians, you can set security limits on your child’s debit card when you order it, including where the card can be used and if it can be used online.

Nordea ID app

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Add your child’s user profile to the Nordea ID app used by one of their guardians on another device. This is perfectly safe, as everyone uses the Nordea ID app with their personal user ID, so several family members can share one app.

Nordea Mobile

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Your child can manage their money, make payments and check their account balances and transactions in our mobile banking app. 


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Your child sees any fund and equity investments made for them in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. However, a minor can’t independently submit any buy or sell orders.

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